Sunday, May 24, 2020
Personal Statement The Place Blew Up The Driveway
Brad Parker ENC 1101 Professor Randy Gordon 09/05/2015 ââ¬Å"That One Time We Blew-up the Drivewayâ⬠Around the world, millions of snowflakes fall on the ground every day, and melt on the ground instantly. Most say that there is no such thing as the perfect snowflake. But if there was such a perfectly crafted ice crystal, what are the chances it would fall on your sleeve for you to admire? This opportunity will most likely never present itself in your lifetime, but moments in time can be just as rare, just as perfect, to stay stuck inside your head for the rest of your existence. About a two years past, I had lost my job, and was in the process of moving out of my former place of residence. My plan was to split my parentââ¬â¢s garage in half, and build a room for me to stay while I got back up on my feet. Though until the room was built, I was to lay my head on the living room couch. Words cannot describe how uncomfortable that wretched sofa was. So I usually spent most nights, and waning hours of the mornings, outside in the driveway with my brother in law, Tony. We would usually drink and reminisce about simpler times, share stories of our uneventful days, and pass out as the sun was rising. Every night blended into the next. It was like living the same day for three weeks. Until the driveway exploded. It was some night in early January. I donââ¬â¢t recall which exactly, I just remember my fingertips absent of feeling from the chill. Tony and I were building a stack of DosShow MoreRelated Education has Lost Touch with its Origin and its Meaning Essay1633 Words à |à 7 Pagesto its limit, a spark of understanding and intelligence flashes out and illuminates the subject at hand. Plato had this to say about dialogue and its importance to the process of education. Does this sound like the educational system that is in place today in the United States? Odds are that it does not. What does being educated mean anyway? What is an undergraduate university education? These questions have been de bated for centuries, and they are still relevant today. Many people feelRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words à |à 1617 Pages658.40071 173ââ¬âdc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ISBN 10: 0-13-612100-4 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-612100-8 B R I E F TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Preface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 MotivatingRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words à |à 1186 Pageswife (Mary), my sons and their wives (Kevin and Dawn, Robert and Sally) and their children (Ryan, Carly, Connor and Lauren). C.F.G. ââ¬Å"We must not cease from exploration and the end of all exploring will be to arrive where we begin and to know the place for the first time.â⬠T. S. Eliot To Ann whose love and support has brought out the best in me. And, to our girls Mary, Rachel, and Tor-Tor for the joy and pride they give me. Finally, to my muse, Neil, for the faith and inspiration he instills.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Impact Of Innovation On Public Sector - 1587 Words
Bason,C (2010) uses the term public sector innovation to refer to ââ¬Å"the process of creating new ideas and turning them into value for societyâ⬠.(Bason,2010) then goes on to discuss about the value public sector innovation holds and asserts that the public sector has four major components: productive, service experience, results and democracy. (Bason, 2010, p.34) There is evidence that innovation plays a crucial role in regulating in the public sector. Recent developments in public sector organisations have heightened the need for innovation, so this essay seeks to examine the use of innovation in key public sector institutions, e.g. healthcare and will also identify the challenges and advantages of co-production/personalisation and innovation in the public sector. Public sector innovation has less connotations with new product development and is more greatly linked to enhancing efficiency and quality of outcome. It consists of internal organisational procedures and structures leading, for instance to innovative ways to customer services which is commonly labelled as ââ¬Å"client service innovationâ⬠or examples such as new methods to attain clients which is also described as ââ¬Å"marketing innovationâ⬠. (Chryssou, 2014) Pivotal examples of innovation include, new technological use, the desire towards public-centric procedures with the outlook to provide uncomplicated services and more suitability. Additionally, employee empowerment which refers to granting staff permission to haveShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Innovation On The Public Sector1708 Words à |à 7 Pagesobstacles from the public sectors. First of all, from an economic point of view, the logic of business performance and growth on the range of goods and services that the firm offers to consumers is based on creativity. In 21 century, creativity is seen as the source of innovation, and innovation in turn as the operation of creativity. As a result, it has being arguing that, creativity is the ability to see possibilities in business (Ferrari, Cachia and Punie, 2009). The public services requires rationalRead MoreThe Policy Innovation Process Within The Australian Public Services1557 Words à |à 7 Pagesobstacles to the policy innovation pro cess within the Australian public services. In this research, academic theories defines and classified major obstacles to policy innovation in a different context of management. However, the paper identifies some obstacle to policy innovation in Australian public sectors; and how these problems can be removed. Nevertheless, the structure of the essay plan has three parts. The first part will classify the major obstacles to policy innovation, second part analysisRead MoreProcess Of Transition Essay1098 Words à |à 5 Pagesinto innovation district. In the 1990s, innovation districts have become the vogue. The innovative startups and creative companies started to cluster in former manufacturing districts due to their centrality, high urban amenities, and low rents. The growth of innovation districts emerged through market forces. However, 22@ Barcelona is led by public organizations with formal planning and strategy. Even though the policymakers aim to foster a self-sustaining growth , the public-led innovation districtRead MoreChallenges Faced By The United States1569 Words à |à 7 PagesInnovation has been a topic that has dominated the main conversation across many organizations. How can governments reshape their role and redesign the existing systems they have and renew the benefits from the creation and development of individual processes. The recession of 2008 has created opportunities and has demanded things be done differently. Gone are the times when problems are solved with endless resources and labor to work their way to a solution. 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The thought of innovation conjures up images of something breath-taking, novelty par excellence, invention of the century and solutions to mysteries. Therefore, innovative events are isolated events. Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Innovation Dyer, Gregersen Christensen (2009, p. 66) found that nurture rather than nature was the key to developing innovative skills. An alphaRead MoreWho Is Responsible For Impact Investing? What Roles Do They Play?1649 Words à |à 7 PagesWho is involved in impact investing? What roles do they play? At this nascent stage, a spectrum of intermediaries: government, private sector, innovative foundations and service providers, as well as the end impact investors/funds, all play a part in the growth of this sector. Currently, there is a wide divide in the landscape of social enterprise finance. 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Introduction It is a common notion that it is primarily the private sector that drives innovation and economic growth, while the government, at best, plays only organization role in ââ¬Ëfixing market failuresââ¬â¢. Under this myth lies a different story, where some of the best advanced economies in the world have been shaped directly by governmentà ¬ led investments. By not being capable to recognize the government
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Educating On Obesity And Exercise Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
There are two types of metabolic reactions, catabolic and anabolic which fundamentally mean to interrupt down and construct up. This is of import when looking at exercising and the construct of firing fat and edifice of musculus. During exercising energy is released when big molecules are broken down into smaller 1s. We will write a custom essay sample on Educating On Obesity And Exercise Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is called the katabolic reaction. The energy is so used during the anabolic reaction to construct up complex molecules needed by the organic structure to keep life and develop new tissue. A individual ââ¬Ës metamorphosis establishes the rate at which the organic structure burns Calories and how rapidly weight is gained or lost. The higher a individual ââ¬Ës metamorphosis is, the quicker they will lose weight. Using the construct of anabolic and katabolic reactions, the short term weight loss is best achieved by aerophilic exercising to interrupt down molecules into energy that the organic structure can utilize to construct musculus. Muscle burns more Calories than fat, so the edifice of musculus will hike a individual ââ¬Ës metamorphosis in the long term and increase the sum of Calories burned. A After any type of surgery, the organic structure is susceptible to infection. Clostridium perfringens infections have a high mortality rate. This being multiplies in the myometrium and can distribute to the womb and circulatory system to go a systemic infection if non treated rapidly. It can do serious jobs such as myometriosis which may take to sterility. Surgical intercession such as a hysterectomy may be performed early nevertheless, for a patient that is merely 33 old ages old this may be lay waste toing. 3. Stephanie and Daryl Donnelly are both 31 old ages old and would wish to get down a household. Stephanie has a household history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and admirations what the impact will be in footings of her ain kids holding the disease. The twosome has come to the clinic to discourse their options. I would explicate to the twosome that although Stephanie does non hold symptoms of the disease, she may be a bearer. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an familial disease where males are more likely to develop symptoms than are adult females. The boies of females who are bearers of the disease each have a 50 % opportunity of holding the disease. The girls each have a 50 % opportunity of being bearers. If the account of the disease was indicated, I would discourse the class of the disease, clinical manifestations, life anticipation and the effects on the kid and health professionals. I would rede familial guidance since Stephanie has a household history of the upset. A Although there is no remedy for this disease, the familial mutant has been identified. This can let for a more informed determination as to whether the twosome wants to travel frontward with get downing a household. Stephanie can undergo DNA analysis of blood samples to set up bearer position of the mutant. Besides, antenatal diagnosing is possible as early as12 hebdomads by trying chorionic villi. If the sample was positive for the cistron mutant, the household would hold adequate clip to fix for the kid or the option to end the gestation. This would be a hard determination either manner, but with current research at the least the household would cognize prior to the birth of the kid. If a kid is born affected by the disease, ongoing research is being conducted to diminish the badness of the symptoms. These include root cell replacing therapy, exon-skipping, linear up-regulation and cistron replacing, every bit good as drug therapy to decelerate disease patterned advance. 4. The households of two kids are concerned about the integrating of their kids into the local junior high school. Melissa, age 13, has Turner syndrome, and Timothy, age 14, has Klinefelter syndrome. The households are non related. They approach the community wellness nurse for counsel. Adolescence and the demand to ââ¬Å" suit in â⬠create fright and anxiousness in most adolescents. The organic structure is traveling through emotional, physical, and hormonal alterations. Adolescents are concerned about their outward appearance.A Some of the most of import elements to discourse with the household about Turner syndrome are the physical alterations that develop in females. Females with this status be given to be shorter than mean misss of the same age. They besides may hold excess tegument on the cervix dropsical custodies and pess and skeletal abnormalcies. Other medical jobs that may originate from Turner syndrome may include bosom mutters, high blood force per unit area and kidney jobs. About 10 per centum of misss develop scoliosis or an under-active thyroid. The ovaries of females with Turner syndrome do non bring forth estrogen and Lipo-Lutin. Tiffany will non develop chests or get down her period unless she is treated with endocrine therapy. Although sterility may non be an issue during adolescence, this should be addressed as Tiffany ages as the ovaries are non-functional due to the disease. Although non all males with Klinefelter syndrome have the same symptoms, I would turn to the physical, linguistic communication and societal facets of the status. As Timothy is considered pubescent adolescent, he will non do as much testosterone as other male childs. This may ensue in less musculus mass and less facial and organic structure hair than other boys his age. He may besides hold wider hips, larger chests and lower energy degrees. A big per centum of males have some kind of linguistic communication jobs, such as reading, treating spoken linguistic communication and showing ideas and demands efficaciously. From a societal point of view these male childs tend to be quiet and diffident. They may fight in school and athleticss, which may ensue in trouble adjustment in with their equals. 5. Margaret, age 3, has merely taken a bath. She wants to demo her ma a new fast one that she ââ¬Ës learned and bends rearward. As Margaret extends rearward, her female parent notices a big, stick outing mass from her venters. Her female parent instantly takes Margaret to the local clinic for farther appraisal. A I would discourse the most common tumours found in kids, and other possible causes of the mass such as hernia, ascites. The possibility of a hernia may bring forth no symptoms but have the hazard of going an exigency state of affairs if it becomes strangulated. Besides, I would discourse scrutinies, diagnostic proving such as CT scans, lab draws, and echography. If indicated more testing of blood, bone marrow may be done if malignance is suspected. 6. Mary, 82 old ages old, lives in a residential senior attention place. Her household has noticed the following bit by bit happening over the past hebdomad: agitation, crossness, and confusion ; musculus vellication of appendages ; and ailments of being thirsty all the clip, even after imbibing. They have noticed that her urinary catheter bag does nââ¬â¢t hold every bit much fluid in it, and she looks flushed at times. Mary has had frequent episodes of diarrhoea. The nursing staff drew blood for complete blood count ( CBC ) , serum osmolarity, and electrolytes and has been supervising her BP and bosom rate every 4 hour. Her BP has ranged from 86/60 to 88/66, and her pulse scope is 105 to 118 and regular. The staff besides reviewed her medicine profile and discovered that Mary received two excess doses of lactulose that were non ordered. 7. Vanessa, age 33 old ages, is a individual female parent of two adolescent misss and works as a director full clip with a fiscal investing house. She has merely enrolled in an MBA plan part-time. She comes to the exigency section today because her ââ¬Å" bosom has been rushing for about 30 proceedingss. â⬠She was at place working on her first assignment and making house work in between. Her girls were inquiring for money to purchase some new school apparels when she says she merely ââ¬Å" lost it â⬠and get downing shouting at them. The nurse placed her on the bosom proctor, and Vanessa ââ¬Ës beat showed sinus tachycardia at a rate of 142/min. Vanessa has no other symptoms. A Stress is about impossible to extinguish, but with good techniques it can be successfully managed. I would discourse with Vanessa some ways to director her emphasis such as inquiring her kids to assist with family jobs, and perchance acquiring occupations. This would assist the misss with money to purchase their ain school apparels and give Vanessa some quiet clip to analyze. Meditation, deep external respiration and yoga may assist Vanessa loosen up when holding nerve-racking minutes. She may besides seek a warm bath, loosen uping music or taking a walk outside. Although she is busy with kids, work and school, everyone needs clip to loosen up. Just a five minute interruption may be all person needs when they feel a nerve-racking minute coming. How to cite Educating On Obesity And Exercise Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Life Without N Sync Essay Example For Students
Life Without N Sync Essay I would hate to even suggest that we might soon exist in a world without NSync. Their songs inspire us, as well as being very morally sound. Their creative and innovative fashions and tunes gives us the much needed variety that keeps us interested about the next aptly-titled CD they put out. They are great role models for every aspiring teen dream, and give teenaged boys something to aspire to. NSync is a positive contributor to our society. NSyncs writers have written some very memorable songs in the past, including Digital Getdown and Thats When Ill Stop Loving You. These songs are filled with inspiring lyrics such as, Dont wanna be the reason for your love no more and Baby, baby get nasty, nasty and we can get freaky deaky. These lyrics teach the 8 year old fans just what girls are good for, and make them feel loved and respected; at the same time they teaching them some interesting vocabulary that they can use in everyday life. I like the consistency of the song titles, because consistency is very important. A large portion of their titles include the word you, or me, which definitely showcases their creativity. The fact that they let talented musicians do the instrumental sections proves that they care about how their music sounds. NSyncs songs are a positive influence on todays youth. Its a definite relief to know that Justin Timberlake is having a good hair day, and that Chris Kirkpatrick had a good photo shoot. I am glad to know that their latest CD has gone multi-platinum and they have made lots of money, because their happiness is very important to me. One can never get tired of their adorable puppy-dog faces and their cute plays on words that have been carefully scripted. Their intelligence, ingenuity and creativity has led me to believe that they are very positive role models for their fans, and they are who every teenaged boy should strive to be. The things I like most about NSync are the fact that they went from having no talent and no money to having no talent and lots of money. Its good that magazine publishers have made entire series of magazines all about them. I enjoy reading the countless articles and interviews about them, because I say The more, the better!! Without NSync, many teenaged girls wouldnt have music to listen to, or any pictures to put on their walls. They wouldnt have hopes and dreams such as I want to marry J.C. when I grow up! The lack of another baby-boy pop band would have a devastating effect on Hollywood and the record industry, because their records are best sellers and they are also a standout group with a unique sound. Variety is the spice of life. This statement applies to NSync in countless ways, some of which include: their beats and tunes, lyrics, song titles,Ã and hairstyles. NSync is a positive influence on our modern society and a great contributor to the United States economy. Without NSync, our world as we know it would cease to exist.
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